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Infensus Mucro

Source Tomb of the Iron Medusa pg. 13
Aura moderate transmutation CL 20th
Price —; Weight


Alignment LE; Ego 33
Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 20
Communication empathy
Powers bestow curse 3/day (DC 19), spell immunity 1/day (CL 17th)
Dedicated Powers wielder gains fire immunity and the ability to cast repulsion 1/day (CL 17th)
Special Purpose defend the servants and interests of Asmodeus


This elegantly wrought +3 speed longsword remains pristine despite having been sheathed in a submerged corpse’s chest cavity for over 200 years. Given to Bartolomae by an agent of Asmodeus in return for the warlord’s (initially) secret allegiance to the arch fiend, this weapon carries within it the cruel soul of a long-dead high priest of Asmodeus. The weapon begins in a state of dormancy, at which point all of its intelligent weapon powers are unavailable, and it functions as nothing more than a +3 speed longsword. See the description of area L4 for details on how the sword can be awakened.


To destroy the weapon, you must immerse it in a bath of Asmodeus’s tears.